Automatic Fare Collection(AFC)
Transit ticketing & payments for public transport in partnership with transport operators, banks, system integrators, and payment companies around the world.

Intelligent Transport Management System (ITMS)
Fleet location tracking anytime from anywhere, depot management, journey planner, and route optimization.
Sacramento Light Rail Transit Project
The project allowed the use of EMV cards and QR code solution for contactless ticketing where AuroTransit has provided EMV L1 / L2 certified Validators along with AFCS Central Management System connected to LittlePay and Elavon. The project is live for all 54 stations covering 3 lines since June 2021.
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EMV open loop contactless system
Project allowed the use of EMV cards, QR code solutions for contactless ticketing where AuroTransit has provided EMV L1/L2 certified Validators along with AFCS Central management system connected to Little pay and Elavon. The project is live from May 2021.
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